Meet My New Friends: Commitment, Discipline, and Hard Work


How can commitment, discipline, and hard work be my new “friends” you ask? It may seem strange to ascribe a human concept to character traits like these, however, it all comes down to energy and how that energy affects the way I perceive these traits within myself. I’ve decided that given the low vibrational energy I have been feeding these attributes in my life before, it would serve me and the life I’m creating now to find a way to fundamentally shift my perspective on them and invite energy that naturally uplifts and amplifies these traits positively within myself. 


Why these three things in particular you ask? Well, it became clear to me during a recent Reiki session that my lack of trust in myself is a major reason I feel disconnected from these things I so desperately want to cultivate in my life. I know I’m talented and can call on all of these traits to get what I need in life. But these are not traits I feel confident claiming as part of my personality. Commitment, discipline, and hard work are necessary elements to achieving and maintaining the success I know I’m capable of. Nothing is more frustrating than to feel this unyielding barrier to trusting that I can always call on these things to help me do whatever it takes to make my own life happen. Whether it’s work, a project, or your relationship with a partner, it is imperative for a person to trust that they can call on these traits to help achieve their objectives in each area.

Here is an example of the way my personal misalignment to commitment, discipline, and hard work manifests in my life which I believe happens to a lot of us (especially these days)... The day starts and I have a few things planned but I find myself getting distracted. The hours tick by seemingly like molasses. I get maybe one thing done but ultimately the day feels like nothing happening, nothing going on. Suddenly it’s 3 am and I’ve remembered everything I meant to get done that day. Existential dread sets in and I officially feel like a useless member of society. Cue the panic attacks!


I truly believe that many of these moments would be lessened dramatically moving forward with a more jovial and loving view toward cultivating these traits. Or rather treating them as friends instead of enemies. We seem to have an aversion to commitment, discipline, and hard work in our society. I ultimately believe it stems from a failure of our American education system, among other things, but that’s a conversation for another day. Regardless, quite often an aversion to these traits is learned. Viewing them as friends/having a friendly approach allows us to demystify the traits and makes them more accessible. 

As young beings entering this world, all we know is to trust. It is in growing and living and experiencing that we learn to associate certain things in certain ways. It matters how we see and experience people who are committed, disciplined, and hardworking in our own lives. We all know what it feels like to be part of a group where some people are doing the work and others are not. Seeing those who are not working can be a detriment to someone who is not strong in their resolve to positively cultivate these characteristics in their own lives.


As difficult as this pandemic is, I’m grateful for the space to connect with the parts of myself that have been neglected. Sure I didn’t have many examples of committed, disciplined, and hard-working people in my life growing up (my mom is the exception because moms are DOPE) but that doesn’t mean I can’t recognize these traits within myself. And not only recognize them but tap into them and become my own example! 

Please let me know your thoughts! How can you become friends with commitment, discipline, and hard work in your own life?! I’d love to hear from you and be inspired by you as well!